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March 2022 Newsletter

What´s New at Savon

Quote Of The Month:   “According to a new survey, 90% of men say their lover is also their best friend.  Which is really kind of disturbing when you consider man‘s best friend is his dog.”  (Jay Leno, American television host, comedian. 1950 - Present)

Congratulations To:

D. Ketchem of Phoenix, Arizona and T. Benkoske of Goodyear, Arizona  Winners of our January early payment drawings for 1 free additional year of membership.

W. Sandell of Gold Canyon, Arizona and R. Burke of Studio City, California  Winners of our February early payment drawings for 1 free additional year of membership.

Congratulations to our winners and thank you to everyone that entered the drawing.

To Your Health With Jourdin Hendershot:

Ganglion Cysts

Do you have a random ugly lump located on or near your wrist?  If so, you could have a ganglion cyst.  Don‘t worry though, these do not require emergency care!  Typically, these types of cysts will subside on their own with some time, however, in some cases surgery may be needed.

A cyst is a cavity under the skin that contains fluid, air, or other substances.  Cysts can appear almost anywhere on the body.  There are many types of cysts, but the ones found around the hands, wrists, feet, and ankles are considered ganglion cysts.  Ganglion cysts are filled with a jelly–like substance and can appear suddenly.

It is still unclear why ganglion cysts occur, but doctors believe they are caused by repetitive injuries, trauma, or just the overuse of the specific area.

Ganglion cysts are found more in women than men and these cysts can vary in size.  The smallest is about the size of a BB pellet and can be as large as a peach pit.  Keep in mind these cysts can swell with physical activity and shrink when at rest.

Typically, these cysts are not accompanied by pain, redness, or warmth.  The only time a person with a ganglion cyst should experience any pain is when the cyst has grown and puts any pressure on other structures such as nerves.

Do not try to treat these cysts yourself by squeezing them or smashing them with a heavy object.  By doing this you can cause more damage to the area and possibly cause an infection.  If you want the cysts removed, your primary physician should able to safely remove the liquid contents.  However, if the cysts keep reoccurring it may be time for your doctor to perform a small surgery to remove the cyst sac.

Healing time after the surgery will depend on the area but stitches are usually removed after two weeks, leaving you with a cool scar to show off!

If you have questions you would like to discuss with Jourdin, feel free to drop her an email by clicking here.

The above health material is provided as an information service.  It should not be used for diagnostic purposes nor is it intended to take the place of the important relationship between you and your doctor.

Grandma´s Kitchen With Grandma C.:

Mexican Cabbage Roll Soup

Grandma C.
  1. 1 lb lean ground beef
  2. 1 medium onion, chopped
  3. 6 cups chopped cabbage
  4. 3 cans diced green chilies (do not drain)
  5. 1 can beef broth
  6. 3 tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped
  7. ½tsp salt
  8. 1 tsp garlic powder
  9. ½tsp pepper
  10. 1 tbsp olive oil
  11. 2 cups water

  1. Fresh Pico de Gallo
  2. Sour Cream
Brown ground beef in a large saucepan with seasonings.  Remove from pan.

Add oil to pan and heat on medium high, then add onion and cabbage and saute 4–6 minutes tossing gently.

Stir in beef, chilies, broth and water.

Reduce heat to medium–low, cover and simmer for approximately 10 minutes.

Stir in cilantro.

Top with pico de gallo and a dollop of sour cream before serving.

Enjoy!  And remember, if it looks and smells good, eat it!!

If you have a recipe that you would like to share with Grandma C., drop her an email by clicking here.


Majestic Dentistry

Dr. Holly
Our spotlight for March goes to the city of Anthem, Arizona and shines on Dr. Jacob Holly at Majestic Dentistry

Since taking over Majestic Dentistry, Dr. Holly and his team have been providing excellent service to our members.

Dr. Holly loves meeting new families and giving them more reasons to smile!  The friendly and compassionate team is always looking forward to getting to know thier patients on a personal level and providing the service and treatment they deserve.

“When a field of science is constantly changing and advancing, practices in that field must change to keep up–to–date with it.  Our practice, Majestic Dentistry, is no exception. We use leading–edge technology and equipment to ensure high quality dental service for our patients.”

Your oral health is important to them, so be assured that they will always work toward finding the best dental solution for you!

The practice is located at 42104 N. Venture Dr Ste B134 Anthem, AZ 85086.  The phone number is 623-551-6300.  We also invite you to visit them on the web.

Say thank you to your dental office for the excellent manner in which you are treated by nominating your dentist!

Fun Facts:

Crazy, Zany Facts We Bet You Didn´t Know

  • There are only four words in the English language which end in “dous”: tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.

  • A dragonfly has a lifespan of only one day.

  • 3.6 cans of Spam are consumed each second.

  • There are around 16 million people alive today that are direct descendants of Genghis Khan.

  • Slinkies are 82 feet long.

  • Marie Curie‘s 100-year–old belongings are still radioactive.

  • If your stomach doesn‘t produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks, it will digest itself.
Come back for more in next months issue!

Dental Talk - A Member Blog Forum:

Come blog with us!  Dental Talk with Savon is a fun forum to post your interesting topics!  Your comments are welcome, it´s free to use and no membership is required.

Some of the topics include;

These are just a few of the topics.  Our blog site contains many other interesting topics.  Please join us!!

Here´s Your Answer

Questions From Our Members

D. Robertson of Mesa, Arizona asks: 

“I am considering becoming a member of Savon.  How do I know that your plan will be around if I join it for a year?”

Savon’s Answer

Savon was founded in 1992.  We have weathered every storm and overcome every obstacle that has been thrown at us and we are still here today, going strong.

We have a great network of providers and even if Savon did cease doing business, we have a “Fail Safe System” set up that ensures our members will receive Savon coverage until their plan expires.

Hopefully we will never have to use this system and with continued support of our new and existing members we plan on being here to serve you for many years to come.

Tooth Talk With Tommy The Wisdom Tooth

Beware Of Those Tricky Dental Coupon Specials!

A reprint of a blog article by Corilee Parker of Savon Dental Plan
Dental centers are offering specials everyday.  There are many sites out there that offer coupons and other promotions to get drive patients into the dental office.  However, I would caution you to using that as your primary dental coverage.

I say that, because there are people out there that do.  Every time they go to the dentist, they are looking for that coupon or promotion that will save them the most amount money possible.

Sounds reasonable, right?

Well, again I caution you about doing that and here's why.

1. A coupon or promotion is just that!  It is not an open ended offer.  It is a limited time special to drive you into that dentist office, who in turn is trying to retain you as a patient.  The offer will end!  Most of them are new patient specials and you will only see that price on your first visit.  So if you do return and you don‘t have coverage, you will be charged full price.

2. If you have exhausted the promotion at one dental office and you go to another one to use their special, you are starting again as a new patient, which means new x–rays, new exam, new treatment plan, new diagnosis.

Ideally, you should think of your dentist as another general practitioner, although most people don‘t.  When you go to your regular doctor for treatment, you usually stick with that doctor through the course of your treatment.  It should be the same way with your dentist.  The longer you stay with your dentist the better your dental health will be.

Now back to the coverage.  Regardless, YOU NEED DENTAL COVERAGE…  PERIOD.  The cost of dental care is high and is still increasing.  You will wind up paying a lot of money out of pocket for your dental work.

So, although the specials and promos are nice, they are not the same as good, long term dental coverage.

Until next time; brush, floss and keep smiling!

Savon Dental Plan Is Not Available For Purchase In The State Of Florida
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A Division of Savon Professional Services Inc.
Corporate Offices Located In Phoenix, Arizona  1-602-841-3494
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