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Keeping Our Members Informed, Entertained And Educated!
Our monthly newsletter is packed with exciting news and upbeat feature articles! Start with the quote of the month and impress your friends. Find out if you are a winner in any one of our on-going contests. “Tooth Talk” with Tommy the Wisdom Tooth is always interesting and covers a wide variety of topics to help you enjoy life. “Grandma’s Kitchen” with Grandma C. always gives you delicious recipes from across the country. “To Your Health” with Jourdin Hendershot discusses health concerns, issues and advice found in today's current events. “Fun Facts” are updated monthly to tickle your funny bone and expand your “useless” knowledge base! Savon’s “Dental Talk” allows you to interact with us and share your views on many different topics. We also feature a monthly “Spotlight On The Dentist” where we showcase one of our great providers each month. Finally there's “Here's Your Answer” where we answer a question that a member has asked.
This page is for current newsletters only. For earlier issues please visit our Newsletter Archives
Savon Dental Plan Newsletters for 2024